– Unplugged forever! –

Comms Unplugged was created to break the rules. To do things differently. To put the health and wellbeing of comms people ahead of anything else. It was once described as the punk rock of comms events. We like that. And we like to think we have made a difference in our own small way.

Since its launch in 2017 around 350 delegates have joined us in the field of dreams in Dorset – not to mention numerous sponsors, speakers and activity leaders. Friendships and relationships have been built for life. Spin-off WhatsApp groups which chat every day when we plug back in are full of support, fun, insight, help and comradeship. It’s been a lovely thing to watch as it’s grown and thrived.

Comms Unplugged has delivered everything we set out to achieve when we first took a flyer on a slightly hair-brained scheme in year one. That first year, the whole thing was launched and delivered in a little over 70 days. Which was either brave or daft, but for sure was one of the best decisions we ever made.

Comms Unplugged has always been not for profit. No one has ever taken a penny from it. Every pound was invested into making it the best possible experience for attendees.

It’s not an exaggeration to say that it has changed lives – that’s not PR messaging, it’s been in testimonials from attendees over the years.

Free scholarships managed to get people there who wouldn’t normally be able to – funded by donations from our lovely community. And important local charities were given over £5k of donations raised at our events. Comms Unplugged has always been grounded in its values and ethos of supporting and helping those who need it.

Covid meant we had to cancel in 2020. And in truth the market for events – especially a niche one which involves camping in a field – has changed since we came out of those dreaded lockdowns. Attendance at many events has fallen, as appetites to be at in-person industry events gave way to a growth in free webinars we could attend from our homes. Public sector training budgets have continued to reduce substantially. And add to that the cost of living pressures upon many of us and it makes it increasingly difficult to put on such a high quality, not for profit event without going into the red.

So, with this in mind, Team Unplugged (that’s us!) are now taking some time to consider how Comms Unplugged will evolve. We’re taking a break from the CU format we’ve developed and nurtured, making 2024 the last Dorset CU event as we know it. Of course, we feel sad about that but we also know it’ll be a fantastic celebration of something which has given so many people so much joy (including us!).

The legacy and learnings will carry on in other forms and the focus on the mental health and wellbeing of our industry will continue to be championed through other ideas and initiatives we’re already thinking about and developing. 

We believe this is still incredibly important for our industry – the pressures on us haven’t gone away (they may even be greater); we’re increasingly working at home, reducing our connection with others; and the online landscape – particularly on social media – is more challenging than ever.

We think there’s still a place for the Comms Unplugged principles and ethos in our industry and we’re taking some time to work out what that looks like. We’re not fully stepping back but we are taking our own advice and checking back in on the five steps to wellbeing that have guided all we do:

  • We’ve taken notice of the way the market and the world are changing
  • We know we want to keep learning and adapting CU
  • We want to stay connected, with all those unpluggers past, present and future
  • We still have lots to give – ideas, creativity, time and energy
  • And we’re being proactive (OK it’s not exactly the right kind of active but stay with us!) to move our passion project into its next phase

We thank everyone who’s joined our community, supported our efforts,  partnered with us, championed what we do, spoken or run activities at our events. We’ve loved all the laughing, dancing, singing, eating, drinking, swimming, learning, chatting, emotional connecting and wandering in the woods. Together, you’ve all made it the very special thing it was and will continue to be – however it looks in future.

Thank you – and watch this space!

Sally, Georgia and Darren x

If you want to be part of the last Comms Unplugged event in Dorset as we know it, you can still get your tickets in our shop.

CU24: 12-14 September, Burnbake Campsite, Corfe Castle, Dorset.